About H.T.P.

Help The Planet is an environmental program created by Pelé Sweeney!!


Pelé’s Mission:

To grow, inspire, support, and learn from a community of friends who adopt environmental activism as a way of life; to help families & individuals feel our connection to each other & the Earth; and to empower ourselves in the collective push for a positive impact.

There are countless environmental groups, organizations, and affiliates constantly doing great work - and we support & promote them! - but sometimes the best way to create change is in our everyday choices and habits. Help The Planet hopes to make this easy by providing weekly tasks, tips, features, and updates that turn thought into action as we nurture, protect, and celebrate the health of our planet.

Action Item:

Join Pelé’s newsletter (subscribe below!) to receive weekly task lists from Pelé for little things that will make a big difference!


Meet Pelé

help the planet

Hi friends!

I hope you join me in helping the planet. Have fun using this website and making a big impact in the world!

xoxo Pele