Saving the planet one step at a time!

Hello Friend,

Welcome back to your weekly checklist! Before we begin, I I want to thank you for your patience!  Since the last time I wrote, my family moved I started going to a new school and I have engulfed my self in performing arts like ballet and most recently a lot of theater. I’m excited to start this back up again, and I hope you can enjoy your weekly checkups! 

Now, enjoy your list on how to take care of the world and your well being. 

1. This week, let’s take a closer look on the planet we live on and start the practice of nature journaling! What is nature journaling you ask? Well, it is a fun habit that is a good way to discover the beauties of the earth.                                                   
To nature journal, you will first start with any journal you would like, and decorate if you please. Then, go outside, find a piece of nature (try a leaf!) and start looking close to noticing it’s unique characteristics. Then, place the piece of nature you chose on the first open page of your journal, outline it, or put it on the next page and trace the object! You can then write what kind of plant it is, what you notice about it, where you found it, and maybe if you have a little story about finding it, you can write that down too! Add decorations if you want, color it, have fun with it! There are no rules. Once you’re done, you can put back the little piece of nature where it belongs like I did. I’m so excited to see what you make! Have fun nature journaling!


 2. Charity of the week:

They have given more than 60M people safe water access, and want to help even more. Today, 1 in 10 people lack access to safe water and 1 in 4 people lack access to a toilet. They give their everything every day to change this because they believe in the power of water. Access to safe water and sanitation can quickly turn problems into potential – empowering people with time for school and work, and contributing to improved health for women, children, and families around the world. Please if you have the time and money, consider saving a life with $5.


3. Little reminder:

When you’re in a rush, when things seem to be moving too fast, and it seems like more than you can carry; Stop, Breathe, and know that you’re not alone in this.

Thank you for coming on this journey to help the planet with me, have an amazing week!



plant a seed